Communications and Allied Industries Pension Fund
These forms are intended for members to download, fill out and send to the Pension Office.
Only forms complying with the above will be acknowledged and acted upon.
- Certificate of Life
- Change of Address Notification Form
- Full Commutation Election Form
- Preliminary Mortgage Loan Application Form
- Method of Payment Form – External Pensioners
- Method of Payment Form – Local Pensioners
- Method of Payment Form – Withdrawal Benefits
- Mortgage Application Form
- Pensioner Personal Detail Update
- Particulars of Dependants Form
- Office Space Application Form
- Death of Pensioner Form
- Application for Commutation Form
Frequently Asked Questions
Once you become a member you cannot leave the Fund unless you do so as a recipient to a benefit payable on resignation or discharge.
Retired persons continue to be members of the Fund
Once you become a member you cannot leave the Fund unless you do so as a recipient to a benefit payable on resignation or discharge. Retired persons continue to be members of the Fund
Yes. By voting for member Trustees you are selecting your representatives who will administer the Fund on your behalf. It is up to you to monitor the performance of your representatives.
You will elect to receive a lumpsum amount and thereafter a monthly pension calculated using your age, service and salary. This amount varies from person to person and you can contact the Fund for a calculation result.
If you retire you will be able to continue contributing towards medical aid cover with the Fund paying the employer potion of those contributions. However such cover is not extended to those who resign or are discharged.
Pensions are reviewed yearly by the Trustees who depending on affordability will award an increase.